
EMA Training's Marketing classroom in the Derby City, Digital Training Hub.


At EMA Training, the safety and wellbeing of our students is of the highest importance to us. We work extremely hard to ensure all our learners, young people, vulnerable persons, staff members, and volunteers have a safe environment to learn and work at all times.

Our EMA Training Safeguarding Procedure sets out a framework to ensure we abide by ‘Keeping Children Safe in Education and Education Act 2011′.

EMA Training employees working together, in the Marketing classroom, in the Derby Digital Training Hub.

Out-of-hours support

If you have any Safeguarding concerns when EMA Training is closed, you should contact:

0300 4564546 or 01629 532600

Contact the Police (999 in an emergency or 101 non-emergency) if you feel that a child or any other student is at immediate risk and in need of protection.

Key safeguarding contacts at EMA Training

If you study with us or you have a child that studies with us, and you have any safeguarding concerns. Contact our EMA Training safeguarding team on 01332 371666 (option 1) or [email protected]

Beckie Standing 24


Designated Safeguarding Lead
EMA's Payroll |Accountancy Programme Lead, Paula, smiling.


Designated Safeguarding Officer
Laura, Director of Apprenticeships


Designated Safeguarding Officer
EMA Staff images
EMA Training Logo Marque

Top Tips

Top tips from Safer

  1. Protect your online reputation, ‘think before you post. Content posted online can last forever and could be shared publicly by anyone.
  2. Know where to find help – understand how to report to service providers and use blocking and deleting tools. If something happens that upsets you online, it’s never too late to tell someone.
  3. Don’t give in to pressure – keep calm and in control; once you’ve pressed send, you can’t take it back.
  4. Respect the law – Use reliable services and know how to legally access the music, film, and TV you want.
  5. Acknowledge your sources – Use trustworthy content and remember to give credit when using others’ work/ideas.

If you need any support or advice on how to keep yourself safe online, contact our Safeguarding team for a chat by emailing: [email protected].

EMA Training's Designated Safeguarding Lead in EMA's Finance Training Hub

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