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EMA's Exam Room.

External Exam Sitter

We are open to external AAT students

Don’t worry – if your training wasn’t with EMA, you can still sit your exams with us.  Simply click below.

Three people chatting at an EMA event.
EMA Training Logo Marque

EMA Learner Exam

If you’re an EMA learner, you can book your exams right now!

Simply click below to book your exam.

EMA learners working on their laptops, smiling.


Our Derby locations are situated side by side, right in the heart of Derby’s city centre. We are just a few minutes walk away from the bus and train stations.

Derby Training Hub

2 Siddals Road Derby DE1 2PW


Our Nottingham Hub is located in the busy Park Row district of Nottingham. Easy access to public transport links and a thriving city vibe make this a perfect location.

Nottingham Training Hub

Biz Space, Butt Dyke House 35 Park Row Nottingham NG1 6EE

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